Shareholders Info

Profit *
Capitalization *
Capitalization *
Capitalization *
Shares number
(final year)
 2022 18.16 10.0 12.9 23.0 n.d. ***** 276,524,556
 2021 -12.89 14.0 17.9 27.0 n.d. **** 171,586,284
 2020 -20.63 13.0 21.3 34.0 n.d. **** 171,586,284
 2019 -9.13 23.0 30.4 38.0 n.d. **** 171,586,284
 2018 -8.83 24.0 34.5 41.0 n.d. *** 135,931,608
 2017 -15.85 33.04 36.68 44.89 n.d. 97,906,608
 2016 -17.15 25.65 35.84 63.87 n.d. 94,406,358
 2015 -21.67 58.82 87.81 125.47 n.d. 94,406,358
 2014 -14.41 51.00 77.24 117.11 n.d. ** 283,159,074
 2013 -22.78 15.65 18.75 23.51 n.d. 105,547,510
 2012 -12.94 13.24 19.16 25.78 n.d. 105,547,510
 2011 5.591 25.0 38.5 55.0 n.d. 105,547,510
 2010 -1.877 43.0 54.0 72.0 n.d. 104,173,135
 2009 0.608 61.0 71.5 85.0 0.010 102,865,629
 2008 -2.990 67.0 101.0 144.0 n.d. 102,582,068
 2007 0.938 120.0 187.0 257.0 0.010 102,582,068
 2006 0.966 116.0 135.0 158.0 0.010 92,678,380
 2005 0.553 147.2 163.6 191.5 0.010 92,553,380
 2004 -0.798 138.1 171.5 225.4 0.010 92,355,980
 2003 0.175 117.1 144.8 250.6 0.022 92,355,980
 2002 1.059 97 227 359 0.022 92,295,260
 2001 11.042 191 669 1,137 0.044 92,295,260
 2000 21.477 897 1,493.3 1,982.2 0.044 91,344,200
 1999 13.28 194.6 734.8 1,575.5 0.036 91,344,200

The shares of Class Editori (Ticker: CLE) have been quoted on the Milan Stock Exchange since 30 November 1998.
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Procedures for the disclosure of regulated information

Class Editori S.p.A. has adopted from 1 february 2017 as it method of disclosure of regulated information the system known as "1Info" (, which is managed by Computershare S.p.A. (based in Milan), and authorised by Consob with resolution no. 18852 of 9 April 2014.

Procedures for the storage of regulated information

Class Editori S.p.A. has adopted the centralised data storage system known as "1Info" (, which is managed by Computershare S.p.A.(based in Milan), and authorised by Consob with resolution no. 18852 of 9 April 2014.

Financial calendar

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